资源名称:The Python Quick Syntax Reference 英文PDF

The Python Quick Syntax Reference is the “go to” book that contains an easy to read and use guide to Python programming and development. This condensed code and syntax reference presents the Python language in a well-organized format designed to be used time and again.

You won't find jargon, bloated samples, case studies, or history of Hello World and computer theory in this handy reference. This Python syntax reference is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any Python developer.

What you’ll learn

    Variables, strings, lists, dictionaries and conditional statements are and how to use them
    Some of the standard libraries and what they can do to help you
    How to write your own functions
    How to write your first Python program based on terminal Input and Output
    How to use the Python Interactive Shell
    How to use classes in your Python programs

Who this book is for

The Python Quick Syntax Reference is a great pocket reference guide for anyone wanting to program in Python, from the new user to the experienced programmer.

Chapter 1: Hello Python 
Chapter 2: Variables 
Chapter 3: Operators 
Chapter 4: Strings 
Chapter 5: Conditional Statements and Loops
Chapter 6: Data Structures
Chapter 7: Keywords
Chapter 8: Functions
Chapter 9: Libraries
Chapter 10: Classes


The Python Quick Syntax Reference 英文PDF_Python教程


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