

Applied jQuery Develop and Design

ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook

Beginning Javascript and CSS Development with jQuery

Beginning jQuery

CMS Design Using PHP and jQuery

CS5.5 Mobile and Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery

Django Javascript Integration AJAX and jQuery

Drupal 6 Javascript and jQuery

Head First jQuery

Javascript & jQuery The Missing Manual

jQuery 1.3 with PHP

jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques

jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide

jQuery for Designers Beginner’s Guide

jQuery For Dummies

jQuery in Action, 2nd Edition

jQuery in Action

jQuery Mobile Develop and Design

jQuery Mobile First Look

jQuery Mobile Up and Running

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Novice to Ninja, Second edition

jQuery Novice to Ninja

jQuery Plugin Development Beginner’s Guide

jQuery Pocket Reference

jQuery Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

jQuery Tools UI Library

jQuery UI 1.6 The User Interface Library for jQuery

jQuery UI 1.7 The User Interface Library for jQuery

jQuery UI 1.8 The User Interface Library for jQuery

jQuery UI Themes Beginner’s Guide

jQuery UI

jQuery Visual QuickStart Guide





Learning jQuery, 3rd Edition

Learning JQuery

Murach’s Javascript and jQuery

PHP 与jQuery 开发实例(英文版)

Pro jQuery Mobile

Pro jQuery

Pro PHP and jQuery

Pro SharePoint with jQuery

Professional JQuery

Professional XMPP Programming with Javascript and jQuery

Python 3 Web Development Beginner’s Guide

Sams Teach Yourself jQuery Mobile in 24 Hours

Smashing jQuery


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