

A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites

Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL E-Commerce

Beginning PHP 6 Apache MySQL 6 Web Development

Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional

Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional

Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL

Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5

Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with Pentaho and MySQL

Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL

Dimensional Data Warehousing with MySQL A Tutorial

Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL

Expert MySQL, 2nd Edition

Expert MySQL

Expert PHP and MySQL

Head First PHP & MySQL

High Availability MySQL Cookbook

High Performance MySQL, Second Edition

Instant InnoDB

JDBC Metadata, MySQL, and Oracle Recipes

LAMP Linux Apache, MySQL, and PHP5 Web Development

Learning PHP, MySQL, Javascript, and CSS, 2nd Edition

MariaDB Crash Course

Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management

Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.1 for Effective MySQL Management

Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.3.x for Effective MySQL Management

Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.4 for Effective MySQL Management

Murach’s MySQL

MySQL (4th Edition)

MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide

MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual

MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development

MySQL Admin Cookbook

MySQL Administrator’s Bible

MySQL Administrator’s Guide and Language Reference

MySQL Bible

MySQL Certification Study Guide

MySQL Clustering

MySQL Cookbook 1st Edition

MySQL Cookbook 2nd Edition

MySQL Cookbook(中文版)

MySQL Crash Course

MySQL Database Design and Tuning

MySQL Database Usage & Administration

MySQL for Python

MySQL High Availability

MySQL in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

MySQL in a Nutshell

MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat

MySQL Pocket Reference SQL Functions and Utilities

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming

MySQL Troubleshooting What To Do When Queries Don’t Work

MySQL 技术内幕  InnoDB存储引擎




PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition

PHP & MySQL Novice to Ninja, 5th Edition

PHP & MySQL The Missing Manual

PHP 5  MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner

PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web

PHP 6 MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner

PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer

PHP and MySQL by Example

PHP and MySQL Create – Modify – Reuse

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites Visual QuickPro Guide

PHP and MySQL Web Development, 2nd Edition

PHP and MySQL Web Development, 3rd Edition

PHP and MySQL Web Development, 4e

PHP MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner


PHP5 and MySQL Bible

PHP6 and MySQL Bible

PHP和MySQL WEB开发(第4版)

Practical PHP and MySQL Building Eight Dynamic Web


Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One

The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5, Third Edition

The Definitive Guide to MySQL, Second Edition

The PHP Programming with MySQL The Web Technology Series

Understanding MySQL Internals

Web Applications with Apache, MySQL, memcached, and Perl





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