资源名称:wxPython in Action中文版 PDF 欢迎来到wxPython下面是一个例子,它创建了一个有一个文本框的窗口用来显示鼠标的位置。漂亮的界面是一个GUI程序必不可少的一部分,wxPython可以做到这一点,加之Python强大的功能和简洁的语法,使用得它在Python的gui中成为一种主流。 资源截图:
资源名称:Mastering Python Regular Expressions PDF Regular expressions are used by many text editors, utilities, and programming languages to search and manipulate text based on patterns. They are considered the Swiss army knife of text processing. Powerful search, replacement, extraction and validation of strings, repetitive and complex...
资源名称:The Python Quick Syntax Reference 英文PDF The Python Quick Syntax Reference is the “go to” book that contains an easy to read and use guide to Python programming and development. This condensed code and syntax reference presents the Python language in a well-organized format designed to...
资源名称:Hello World!: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners 英文PDF Getting Started Remember This: Memory and Variables Basic Math Types of Data Input GUIs—Graphical User Interfaces Decisions, Decisions Loop the Loop Just for You—Comments Game Time...
资源名称:Learning Python with Raspberry Pi PDF Learning Python with Raspberry Pi Description: The must-have companion guide to the Raspberry Pi User Guide! Raspberry Pi chose Python as its teaching language of choice to encourage a new generation of programmers to learn how to program. This approachable...